Free adrenaline, also known as epinephrine

Adrenaline, also known as epinephrine are released in our bodies when we get scared or frightened.

When frightened, your body floods with the hormone adrenaline. This skyrockets your heart rate and blood pressure.

Even thou I have researched and learned a lot about spiders, it always amaze me when one runs over my hand unexpectedly.

The adrenaline is undescribable.



The Exploiter… Unbelievable facts

The life cycle of a Butterfly.

The Butterfly lies a egg, the egg becomes a Caterpillar, the Caterpillar then becomes Chrysalis that then becomes a Butterfly. And so on.

Wait for it – Masters of Exploiting…

The Maculinea Rebeli Butterfly has the freaken ability to give off a smell and sound that manipulates Ants to make them think their Caterpillars are one of their own. Not just one of their own but royalty. The Ants then carries them to their nest, feed them and clean them and keep them safe till they become Butterflies.


You wont believe the abilities a Wasp have. Flash my ASS

A wasp consist of the ability to secrete a cocktail (chemical) that is called a pheromones.

When they get attacked by Ants they will release this pheromones that causes the Ants to start attacking each other and ripping each other apart, this allowing the Wasp to do what he came for (Usually to plant its baby). The pheromones does wear off and the Ants go on as normal (Like it never happened).

The Wasp will also release a pheromone when he gets injured or killed that will signal to other Wasp the danger and they will come charging and they are well armed. What a bunch of Troopers.